The Ñ letter is representative of the Spanish language. It is estimated that more than 437 million people speak Spanish as a native language, which qualifies it as second on the list of languages by number of native speakers.
In this tutorial, we are going to use a “ñ” letter to create cool text in Photoshop. This text effect is part of the Royal Photoshop Text FX Vol 01 from GraphicRiver.
Tutorial Assets
The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial:
- Unifraktur Maguntia font
- Patterns.pat patterns file pack with three patterns inside
- 7Contours.shc contours file pack with seven contours inside
- Ornate_pattern.psd to construct the ornate pattern
- Download and Install the Pattern file “Patterns.pat“.
- Download and Install the Contour file “7Contours.shc”.
Note: To install, you have to double-click the icons. It’s that simple.
- Download and install the “Unifraktur Maguntia” font.
1. How to Create the Background
Step 1
Create a new document (File > New).
- Width: 850 px
- Height: 600 px
- Resolution: 72 PPI
Step 2
Duplicate the background (go to Layer > Duplicate Layer > OK) and rename the new layer “Background Pattern“.
Step 3
Now we are going to add a texture to the background layer.
Double-click on the “Background Pattern” layer to open the layer style window. Go to Pattern Overlay, and then click on the Pattern box and select the newly added Pattern001. Click OK.
Step 4
To make the background look a bit dark, we are going modify the Photoshop Styles to add a Color Overlay layer. You have to double-click on the Background Pattern layer and, once the layer style window appears, set the following values in the Color Overlay section.
- Blend Mode: Normal
- Color:
- Opacity: 30%
2. How to Create the Text and Align It
Step 1
Type the letter “ñ” using the Unifraktur Maguntia font.
If you can’t find the letter “ñ”, you can hold down the Alt key and type “164” using the numerical keypad to create a lowercase “ñ”.
- Font Size: 600 px
- Tracking: 0 pt
- Font style: Book
- Anti-aliasing mode: Smooth
- Color:
Step 2
Duplicate the “ñ” text layer and name it “ñ A” for the top layer and “ñ B” for the bottom layer. We are going to get the Ornate 3D effect with the “ñ A” layer and the black 3D text effect with the “ñ B” layer.
Using the Move Tool, select both text layers and the background layer, and then click the align commands on the top menu to center the text.
- Align Horizontal: Center
- Align Vertical: Center
3. Styling the Main Layer
Step 1
We are going to work on the “ñ B” layer. Go to Layer Style > Pattern Overlay, click on the Pattern box, and choose Pattern002 from the list. This texture is the base of the text effects.
Step 2
To start creating the 3D text, go to Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss and use the following values:
- Style: Inner Bevel
- Technique: Chisel Hard
- Depth: 1000%
- Direction: Down
- Size: 250 px
- Soften: 0 px
- Angle: 90º
- Use Global Light: Unchecked
- Altitude: 20º
Now, we are going to add the previously installed “7Contours.shc” file. Click on the Gloss Contour drop-down icon and then select the contour named “Contour001“.
Now we can continue:
- Anti-aliased: Unchecked
- Highlight Mode: Color Dodge
- Highlight Color:
- Highlight Opacity: 40%
- Shadow Mode: Soft Light
- Shadow Color:
- Shadow Opacity: 40%
Then go to Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss > Contour, click on the Gloss Contour drop-down icon, and then select the contour named “Contour002“.
- Anti-aliased: Checked
- Range: 53%
Step 3
To achieve a realistic black matte color, go to Layer Style > Color Overlay and set the following values.
- Blend Mode: Normal
- Color:
- Opacity: 60%
Step 4
Now we are going to add some highlights to give more realism to the black matte metal effect. Go to Layer Style > Satin and use the settings shown below.
- Blend Mode: Color Dodge
- Color:
- Opacity: 40%
- Angle 20º
- Distance: 10 px
- Size: 10 px
- Contour: Default
- Anti-aliased checkbox: Unchecked
- Invert checkbox: Checked
Step 5
We are going to add a deep drop shadow with the Photoshop style tool, to separate the text from the background. Go to Layer Style > Drop Shadow and use the values shown in the image below.
- Blend Mode: Normal
- Color:
- Opacity: 50%
- Angle: 90º
- Use Global Light: Unchecked
- Distance: 40 px
- Spread: 10 px
- Size: 20 px
- Contour: Default
- Noise: 0%
- Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: Checked
Step 6
We are going to add a metal stroke. Go to Layer Style > Stroke and use the values shown in the image below.
- Size: 1 px
- Position: Inside
- Blend Mode: Normal
- Opacity: 100%
- Fill Type: Pattern
- Pattern: Select the same black pattern “Pattern002“
- Scale: 100%
- Link with Layer checkbox: Checked
Step 7
We are going to add an extra stroke. Go to Layer Style > Outer Glow and use the values shown in the image below.
- Blend Mode: Normal
- Opacity: 100%
- Noise: 0%
- Color:
- Technique: Softer
- Spread: 70%
- Size: 4 px
- Contour: Default
- Anti-aliased checkbox: Unchecked
- Range: 30%
- Jitter: 0%
4. Creating the Ornate 3D Pattern
Step 1
Open the PSD file “Ornate_pattern.psd” and select the layer “Shape B“.
Step 2
Now we are going to add a texture to the “Shape B” layer.
Double-click on the “Shape B” layer to open the layer style window. Go to Pattern Overlay and set the following values:
- Blend Mode: Normal
- Opacity: 100%
- Pattern: click on the Pattern box and select the newly added “Pattern003“
- Scale: 50%
- Link with Layer checkbox: Checked
Step 3
To achieve a realistic gold text color, go to Layer Style > Color Overlay and set the following values.
- Blend Mode: Multiply
- Color:
- Opacity: 60%
Step 4
Now we are going to emphasize the highlights to give more realism to the gold style. Go to Layer Style > Satin and use the settings shown below.
- Blend Mode: Soft Light
- Color:
- Opacity: 40%
- Angle 19º
- Distance: 88 px
- Size: 146 px
Now, we are going to add the previously installed “Contours.shc” file. Click on the Contour drop-down icon and then select the contour named “Contour004“.
Now we can continue:
- Anti-aliased checkbox: Unchecked
- Invert checkbox: Checked
Step 5
Now we are going to convert the flat shape into a 3D piece of ornate, golden metal. Go to Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss and use the following values.
- Style: Inner Bevel
- Technique: Chisel Hard
- Depth: 155%
- Direction: Up
- Size: 100 px
- Soften: 0 px
- Angle: 140º
- Use Global Light: Unchecked
- Altitude: 20º
- Gloss Contour: Contour007
- Anti-aliased: Checked
- Highlight Mode: Color Dodge
- Highlight Color:
- Highlight Opacity: 100%
- Shadow Mode: Soft Light
- Shadow Color:
- Shadow Opacity: 100%
Then go to Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss > Contour, click on the Gloss Contour drop-down icon, and then select the contour named “Contour002“.
- Anti-aliased: Checked
- Range: 53%
Step 6
We are going to use the “Outer Glow” function to create a smooth shadow, so go to Layer Style > Outer Glow and use the following values.
- Blend Mode: Multiply
- Opacity: 60%
- Noise: 0%
- Color:
- Technique: Softer
- Spread: 0%
- Size: 0 px
- Contour: Contour005
- Anti-aliased checkbox: Checked
- Range: 50%
- Jitter: 0%
Step 7
Now, for the second and final shadow, go to Layer Style > Drop Shadow and use the following values.
- Blend Mode: Normal
- Color:
- Opacity: 40%
- Angle: 90º
- Use Global Light: Unchecked
- Distance: 2 px
- Spread: 10 px
- Size: 0 px
- Contour: Default
- Noise: 0%
- Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow: Checked
And press OK to finish.
Step 8
Now we are going to work on the “Shape A” layer to add more glossy reflections.
First, you have to put the layer visibility “on” by clicking in the left box of the layer (an eye will appear). And now, we have to set the Fill Percent to 0.
Double click on the layer and go to Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss, and use the values shown in the image below.
- Style: Inner Bevel
- Technique: Chisel Hard
- Depth: 100%
- Direction: Down
- Size: 250 px
- Soften: 0 px
- Angle: 145º
- Use Global Light: Unchecked
- Altitude: 20º
- Gloss Contour: Contour006
- Anti-aliased: Checked
- Highlight Mode: Color Dodge
- Highlight Color:
- Highlight Opacity: 30%
- Shadow Mode: Normal
- Shadow Color:
- Shadow Opacity: 20%
Step 9
We have the 3D ornate effect ready, but we need to include this side work in the main text effect.
Now we have to create a completely new pattern. Go to Edit > Define Pattern… Name this “3DGoldenOrnate001” and press OK.
5. Implement the Ornate 3D Pattern
Step 1
Go back to the main PSD file and select the “ñ A” layer, setting the Fill Percent to 0.
Double-click on the layer and go to Layer Style > Pattern Overlay, and use the values shown in the image below.
- Blend Mode: Normal
- Opacity: 100%
- Pattern: click on the Pattern box and select the newly added “3DGoldenOrnate001“
- Scale: 100%
- Link with Layer checkbox: Checked
Step 2
We are going to integrate the ornate effect into the main text effect. Go to Bevel and Emboss and use the values shown below.
- Style: Inner Bevel
- Technique: Chisel Hard
- Depth: 155%
- Direction: Up
- Size: 2 px
- Soften: 0 px
- Angle: 90º
- Use Global Light: Unchecked
- Altitude: 40º
- Gloss Contour: Default
- Anti-aliased: Checked
- Highlight Mode: Color Dodge
- Highlight Color:
- Highlight Opacity: 50%
- Shadow Mode: Normal
- Shadow Color:
- Shadow Opacity: 50%
Now go to Bevel and Emboss > Texture and use the values shown below.
- Pattern: “3DGoldenOrnate001“
- Scale: 100%
- Depth: +100%
- Invert checkbox: Unchecked
- Link with Layer checkbox: Checked
Step 3
We need to increase the integration with some light across the letter body. Go to Layer Style > Satin and use the settings shown below.
- Blend Mode: Vivid Light
- Color:
- Opacity: 30%
- Angle 19º
- Distance: 16 px
- Size: 15 px
- Contour: Contour003
- Anti-aliased checkbox: Unchecked
- Invert checkbox: Checked
Step 4
The final step!
We are going to add the same ornate pattern to the stroke of the “ñ A” layer, to cross over the edge of the text and make it very real. Go to Layer Style > Stroke and use the settings shown below. Then click OK to save the changes.
- Size: 5 px
- Position: Outside
- Blend Mode: Normal
- Opacity: 70%
- Pattern: “3DGoldenOrnate001“
- Scale: 100%
- Link with Layer checkbox: Checked
Great Job, You’re Done!
The Photoshop layer style tool is a super flexible option to get cool text effects. In this tutorial, I showed you how to create a 3D text effect in Photoshop.
I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and can use what you’ve learned for your own projects.
Please feel free to comment and show me your results!.
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