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Sumber : Cara Menambahkan Featured Image atau Thumbnail di Post WordPress | Niagahoster


Steps to Add a Featured Image or Thumbnail
Follow these steps to add a Featured Image or Thumbnail in the WordPress post.

1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard.

2. In the WordPress dashboard, select the Posts menu and click the Add New submenu to add a new post.

3. You will be redirected to the Add New Post page. Write the Title and Content of the post you are going to publish.

4. In the settings on the right, find Featured image. Then, click the Set featured image area to upload the image.

5. A Pop-up Featured image will appear. Select the Upload files tab to upload an image file. To search for files in local storage, click the Select Files button.

6. A File Explorer window will pop up. Search for and select the image file you are going to upload. Then, click the Open button to continue

7. The image file you successfully uploaded to the Media Library and it is automatically checked. Next, click the Set featured image button to assign an image.

8. Featured Image or Thumbnail you have successfully set. To publish a post, click the Publish button at the top.

9. Pre-publish Checks will appear to make sure once again before the post is published. To continue the publishing process, click the Publish button.

10. Post you successfully published. To view the post, click the View Post button.

11. Congratulations! Featured Image or Thumbnail successfully appeared on the post page.

12. Please visit the main page of the website. You’ll also see a Featured Image or Thumbnail view for each post.