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sumber: https://blog.skillacademy.com/tools-photoshop-dan-fungsinya

1. Move tool

The Move tool has a function to move objects in the form of images or text. In use, you just point the cursor to the object you want to move.


The Move tool icon is usually in the form of an arrow like the example picture above. As for the shortcut, you can press V on the keyboard.

2. Marquee tool

Basically the Marque tool has a function to select objects on the canvas. After making a selection, you can perform several actions on the selected part, starting from deleting, cutting, changing colors, and also adding other effects.


In addition, Marque tools are also divided into four types, namely:

Rectangular marquee tool, to select a rectangular shape.

Elliptical Marquee Tool, to select with a circle shape.

Single row marquee tool to create a horizontal selection with a smaller size (1 pixel).

Single column marque tool to make a vertical selection with a smaller size (1 pixel).

3. Lasso tool

The Lasso tool has almost the same function as the Marquee tool, but you are free to select anything without sticking to the shape. So you need to move your mouse to make the desired selection. In addition, the Lasso tool also has other types as follows.

Polygonal lasso tool which serves to make a selection based on the angles of the lines.

Magnetic lasso tool which selects automatically based on the shape of the object.



The example above is one way to use the Lasso tool. In the picture you can select part of the strawberry freely. Then replace the tool with the Move tool to separate the selected part of the strawberry.

4. Quick selection tool & Magic wand tool

Next is a very useful tool and you will likely use it often in making graphic designs. Quick selection tool serves to select quickly according to the shape of the object. While the Magic wand tool serves to select based on the color that is on the object.


The use of this tool is almost the same as the Lasso tool, but what distinguishes it is the shape and application. The example above shows the selection results that resemble the shape of a strawberry. There are several actions performed in this example, such as deleting and changing the color of some of the strawberries. Also, the bottom strawberry has been moved using the Move tool. In addition, if you are interested in exploring the use of Photoshop, especially in improving your graphic design skills, you can take the class by clicking the banner below.

5. Crop tool & Slice tool

For those of you who like to process photos, you must be familiar with this tool. The crop tool serves to cut objects with a rectangular or rectangular shape whose size can be adjusted. Meanwhile, the Perspective crop tool is used to cut objects that are tilted or not static. So you can adjust the size of the piece to the object. In addition to cropping, this tool also has a slice tool that functions to make a selection of objects that will be cut into several parts. While the Slice select tool is used to move the parts that have been selected. The selected part will usually be extracted into pieces of the image of the object.


The example above is the use of the Crop tool. This tool will usually cut squarely on objects in Canva. However, you can set the size of the square like, 3×4, 5×6, and it can be a free size.

6. Eyedropper tool

Simply put, the Eyedropper tool is used to take the color in the object and put it in the color box. So that the color that has been taken becomes the main color in the use of other tools, such as the Brush tool and Shape tool. The eyedropper tool also has other types such as the 3D Material eyedropper tool which is used for 3-dimensional objects. Then there is the Color sampler tool to pick up colors with RGB and CMYK info. In addition, in the Eyedropper tool there are also other tools, namely,

Ruler tool to function to measure the distance and location of objects on the canvas.

Note tool to make notes on the selected object.

Count tool to number objects.


7. Brush tool

Next is a tool that you can use to draw or paint objects. Yep, that is the Brush tool. Basically this Brush tool you can use to give color to objects..


The availability of various brush shapes in the brush tool can make your graphic work more unique and interesting. For example, you can see in the Photoshop image above. After you select the Brush tool, later on the menu bar or the top of the Photoshop page will appear various brush shapes that you can choose. In addition, the Brush tool also has other types of tools. Like, the Pencil tool that serves to color objects with pencil strokes or with a smaller size. Furthermore, there’s also a Color replacement tool that you can use to take the color from another object as the color of your brush. And the last is the Mixer brush tool, which is used to mix various colors in the use of brushes.

8. Spot healing brush tool

This one tool is usually used in photo processing such as removing pimples. However, the usefulness of this tool is not only that. Basically the Spot healing brush tool serves to remove certain parts of the object by equalizing the surrounding colors.


In the picture above, you can see that the spots on the surface of the strawberry can be removed smoothly with the Spot healing brush tool. In addition, in this tool section, there are also several other types as follows.

Healing brush tool, serves to remove or change certain parts of the object based on the selected sample area. In its use, you first select / take the sample area by using (Alt). Then you just move the cursor to the part you want to remove.

Patch tool has to replace the selected part with another part of your choosing with the same shape. In its use, you must select the part you want to change, then hover over the other part.

Content aware move, serves to copy the selected part of the object, without deleting the part.

Red eye tool, serves to remove the red eye color caused by flash light when taking pictures.

9. Eraser tool

The next tool is the Eraser tool which has a function to erase part or all of the object. In addition to deleting objects, the Eraser tool also has other types, such as the Background eraser tool which functions to remove the background/background on the image. Then there is also the Magic eraser tool that can be used to erase parts of objects that have the same color.


The image above is an example of using the Eraser tool. You can delete some parts of the object as you wish. The first step is to select the tool in the tool bar and then after the icon of the tool appears, you can point it to the object whose part you want to delete.

10. Gradient tool

The Gradient tool has a function to create a graded color or more than one color in one object. This tool is usually used to give color to the layer or image background. In its application, the Gradient tool also has various patterns as in the example image below. You can see several patterns to choose from in the menu bar. Starting from linear, radial (circle), diamond (gem), angular, and reflected.


In addition, in this tool selection there is also a Paint bucket tool that serves to quickly color an object and also a 3D material drop tool to give the right color to 3-dimensional objects.

11. Shape tools

Shape tool is useful for creating objects with various shapes. Starting from the Rectangle tool with a rectangular shape, the Rounded rectangle tool to create a rectangle with curved corners, the Ellipse tool serves to create a circle/oval object, the Polygon tool functions to create an object with various number of facets (angles), the Line tool is used to create a line, and the Custom shape tool to create objects with various shapes that have been provided by Photoshop on the Menu bar.


In use, you just select the tool in the tool bar. Then select the shape you want to create on the canvas.

12. Pen tool

Basically the Pen tool is used to create a selection line with certain points. This tool is usually used to perform the editing process such as, delete, move, change colors, and others. In this tool also has other types as follows.

Freeform pen tool serves to create lines and points with a free shape.

Add anchor point tool serves to add points that are useful for changing the selection line.

Delete anchor point tool serves to function to reduce points on the selection line

Convert point tool serves to change the selection line by shifting the point points.


The picture above is an example of using the Pen tool. You can see the selection outline with dots on each part of the leaf of the strawberry. After making a selection with the Pen tool, you can perform several actions, such as right-clicking on the selected part. Then several options will appear, one of which converts it into a normal selection like the Lasso tool by selecting Make Selection.

13. Direct selection tool

The direct selection tool is usually used to smooth and change the points on the object. By using this tool, you can move every point on an object as desired. While the Path selection tool is used to move the object position.


This tool can also be applied to images created with the Shape tool, as in the example above. In this example, you can change the points in the arrow image. You can change or delete every point on the corner of the object.

14. Blur tool

The Blur tool is generally used to blur part or all of an object. This tool also has other types, such as the Sharpen tool to sharpen colors on objects and also the Smudge tool to give a wet paint brush effect.


In use, you just select the tool and direct it to the part you want to change to be more blurry. Like the example above, you can see that part of the strawberry looks blurry.

15. Type tools

This tool is used to create text on an object or canvas. Type tools are divided into 4 kinds, namely,

Horizontal type tool serves to create text in a horizontal direction (horizontal).

Vertical type tool serves to create text with a downward direction (vertical).

Horizontal type Mask tool serves to create a selection area in the form of text (letters) with a horizontal direction.

Vertical type Mask tool serves to create a selection area in the form of text (letters) with a vertical direction.


In addition to using the Type tool, there are also other options such as the example picture above. In the menu bar, you can change the font (type) of the text you want to write. Then you can adjust the shape of the text (bold, italic, and normal). Next you can also set the text size and color. While the part of the strawberry marked in white is a selection form from the Horizontal type Mask tool.