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sumber: http://icustomizeblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/menambahkan-kategori-dan-produk-pada.html


The following is an example of how to add categories and products to an online store using PrestaShop.


After logging in to the Back Office, select the Catalog tab. You are in the main category, ‘Home’. Click ‘Add a new subcategory’ to add a category under the main category. [products in the ‘Home’ category will appear as featured products]

Enter data about the new category. Category name, choice of parent category [categories in PrestaShop have a hierarchy], description for new category, image for category cover, metadata to improve SEO, choice of visitor groups who have access to categories. Click ‘Save and back to parent category’ then the data you entered will be saved and you will be taken to the parent category of the new category (in this example back to ‘Home’). If you choose to press ‘Save’ to save the new category data, you will be taken to the page of the category you just created. In my example I chose ‘Save and back to parent category’.


After saving the new category data, make sure the notification ‘Creation successful’ appears. If other notifications appear, you may need to make some adjustments. Note that there is now a ‘Baby Stuff’ category within the parent category ‘Home’. To add a subcategory or product to the ‘Baby Stuff’ category you must first go to the category page. Click the name of the category you want to enter.


You are now on the ‘Baby Stuff’ category page within the parent category ‘Home’. In the same way, to add a new category within the ‘Baby Stuff’ category, click ‘Add a new subcategory’.


Fill in the new category data. Note that by default the ‘Parent category’ option is the category where you press ‘Add a new subcategory’, in this example I added the ‘Clodi’ category inside the ‘Baby Stuff’ category. The description of the other entries is the same as when creating the previous category


After ‘Save and back to parent category’, it can be seen that currently there is a ‘Clodi’ category under the ‘Baby Stuff’ category. To add a product to the ‘Clodi’ category, first click the ‘Clodi’ category name.


Once in the ‘Clodi’ category, click ‘Add a new product’. You will be taken to the new product data entry page.


On this page you can fill in the required data for your new product. Including determining whether the product has a physical or downloadable product. Note that there is an ‘Images’ tab which will be where you enter the images that support your product. Do not forget to provide prices and tax conditions if any. Select the category the product belongs to. I added ‘Home’ so that the product can be displayed as a featured product. You can start adding metadata by pressing ‘Click here to improve products rank this search engines (SEO)’. Provide a brief and full description of your product. a short description will appear in the search results on your online store page. When finished with your data, click ‘Save and stay’. Next select the ‘Images’ tab. (Before you fill in the minimal data required by the product, the only tabs are ‘Info’ and ‘Images’. At this stage you don’t need to be confused about looking for other tabs.)


After selecting the ‘Images’ tab you can select an image that supports your product and determine whether the image you selected is used as a product cover or not. You can use multiple images as product support by inserting and saving them one by one. The first image that you enter will be automatically used as the cover and will be replaced if you specify the image that is entered later as the cover. When finished, don’t forget to save by pressing ‘Save’.


After you are done with adding products and categories, you can see on the front page of your online store that new products have been displayed as featured products. For the record, the ‘Featured Product’ module must be installed and activated first. In the category section there is also a ‘Baby Stuff’ category with a ‘+’ sign indicating that there are still subcategories that I haven’t opened. There is a category ‘Clodi’.