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Sumber : https://www.niagahoster.co.id/blog/cara-membuat-database-mysql-di-cpanel/?amp


1. Login to cPanel and Select Menu MySQL Databases
Please login to your cPanel, then click the MySQL Databases menu as shown in the image below:

Cara Membuat Database MySQL

2. Enter Database Name
Enter the name of the database in the column provided (write the name of the database without spaces). After entering the database name, please click the Create Database button as below.

cara membuat nama database di mysql

3. Create Username
Click the Go Back button to return to the database settings page:

 pembuatan database sukses

successful database creation
Please scroll down and you will see the Add New User section. Enter the username in the field provided without spaces. Also enter the password and re-enter the password again.

You can use Password Generator to generate random passwords. Do not forget to record the password generated when you use this facility. When finished, please click the Create User button.

cara menambahkan user baru di cpanel

4. Add User to Database
In the Add User To Database section, you will see a drop down list for User and Database. Please select the User and Database you want to connect to.

In this example, we will enter user niagahos_user with database niagahos_database_name.

 membuat database

After pressing the Add button, privileges will appear as shown in Step 5, please continue to the next step.

5. Create a MySQL Database by Selecting All Privileges
After that, you need to set MySQL user privileges. To do this, put a check mark on the ALL PRIVILEGES section, then click the Make Changes button as shown below.

mengaktifkan semua privilege