Pilih Laman

How to make rest api with php mysql easy and fast

sumber: https://rasupe.com/cara-membuat-rest-api-dengan-php-mysql-mudah-dan-cepat/ 1. Create mysql database and tables Open phpMyAdmin or whatever you usually use. 1.1 Create a new database with the name “db_toko” 1.2 Create a “categories” table. CREATE TABLE IF NOT...

Creating CRUD Native PHP with Mysqli

sumber: https://mragus.com/membuat-crud-native-php-dengan-mysqli/ In this tutorial, writing CRUD using object oriented style. Immediately, we start scripting to create CRUD using this mysqli. The table I use is tb_blog with the following structure....

How to Set Up PrestaShop Store Display

sumber:https://www.niagahoster.co.id/blog/tutorial-prestashop How to Set Up PrestaShop Store Display Store appearance is the main factor to bring in many customers. When the appearance of your store is attractive and is able to make customers like what they see, it is...

How to Install PrestaShop Via cPanel

sumber:https://www.niagahoster.co.id/blog/tutorial-prestashop/ How to Install PrestaShop Via cPanel You can easily install Prestashop via cPanel. Here’s how to install Prestashop on cPanel: Step 1 – Niagahoster Member Area Login First, login through...