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How to Add Products in Prestasop

sumber :https://www.niagahoster.co.id/blog/tutorial-prestashop/  1. How to Add Products in Prestasop Adding new products in PrestaShop is quite easy, follow the steps below to find out how to add products in PrestaShop. 1. First, go to the PrestaShop admin page. In...

Getting to Know PrestaShop Features

sumber:https://www.niagahoster.co.id/blog/tutorial-prestashop/ Getting to Know PrestaShop Features After successfully logging in you will see the PrestaShop dashboard page. Before going any further, it’s a good idea to learn PrestaShop from the basics, which is...

How to Download the Latest XAMPP

sumber:https://itkampus.com/install-xampp/ XAMPP is available for free on the internet, Kanca IT only needs to be downloaded from the official website. There are several choices of XAMPP versions from the old to the newest on the site. In order not to be confused,...