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sumber: https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-make-a-glowing-photo-effect-to-a-portrait-in-photoshop–cms-32833?_ga=2.8569205.1923822341.1562124248-647674664.1562124248

Open your photo. It’s best to use a dark-skinned model for better contrast. I used this one.

Make sure that your image is on the Background layer. If not, go to Layer > New > Background from Layer.

Create a New Layer and paint the areas that you want to make glow. You can also select them with a tool of your choice and fill the selection with color. Name this layer mask 1.

draw mask 1

Create another layer. This time, select the eyes of the model. This way, we will be able to keep them bright, but not glowing. Name this layer mask 2.

draw mask 2

Click under the layer to deselect them. Then open the Actions panel and create a New Action. Give it a name. From now on, everything you do in Photoshop will be recorded.

create new action

Go to Image > Image Size and round the top value. This will allow us to use a similar size for every photo that this Photoshop action will be applied to.

change imagze size

Hide both masks. Hold Control and click the thumbnail of mask 1 to make a selection out of its contents. Go to Select > Inverse, and add an Exposure adjustment.

add exposure adjustment

Lower the Exposure to darken everything except the selection.

change exposure

Let’s brighten the eyes now. Take the selection from mask 2 and click the mask of the adjustment layer. Then go to Edit > Fill and fill the selection with black to reveal the eyes. Deselect.

brighten eyes

Take the selection from mask 1 and create a New Layer. Go to Edit > Fill and fill it with white. Deselect. Name this layer white.

fill with white

Duplicate the white layer by pressing Control-J, and go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Adjust the strength of the blur to create a subtle glow.

add simple glow

Duplicate the layer and add a Hue/Saturation adjustment to it. Clip it and check Colorize. Change the color to a highly saturated red.

add hue ssaturation adjustment
colorize layer

Change the Blend Mode to Color. Now the skin looks as if it’s glowing from the inside as well.

change blend mode to color

Duplicate the white layer. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and add a little blur, to create a concentrated glow.

add more glow

To make this effect subtler, add a Layer Mask to it. Select it, and then go to Filter > Render > Clouds.

add clouds mask

Duplicate the white layer. Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Create a strong blur that makes an optical illusion of a shining effect. Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light.

add shine

Make the effect subtler by adding a Layer Mask with Clouds.

make effect subtler

Duplicate the original background layer and drag it to the top. Go to Select > Color Range and select Highlights.

select highlights

Hide the layer and add a Curves adjustment. Change its Blend Mode to Overlay and drag the curve to accentuate the highlights that could have been lost by the darkening of the whole picture.

add curves adjustment
change light

Let’s add a yellow glow now. Duplicate the white layer and double click the original to access its Layer Style panel. Check Outer Glow and change its Blend Mode to Vivid Light. Adjust the settings to add a concentrated glow.

add vivid light glow

To make the glow more variable, go to Blending Options and drag the lower black marker to the right. Hold Alt to split it for a more gradual effect. By dragging this marker, you remove the effect from the darkest parts of the photo. You can adjust the intensity of this effect by changing the Opacity of the whole layer.

make glow variable

Duplicate this layer and make the glow wider. Experiment with the settings to keep the effect eye-catching, yet still natural.

add wide glow

Duplicate the layer once more to strengthen the glow if you want. Change the Blend Mode of the glow to Normal and create a more visible glow with it.

more glow

Now that we’ve achieved our desired effect, click Stop Recording.

stop recording