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Sumber : https://www.citrahost.com/blog/menambah-user-atau-pengguna-di-blog-wordpress/

Before creating a user, the condition is that you must be an administrator. Here we provide administrator creation guidance;

1. Login to your blog dashboard, then hover over Users and click the Add New option.

Add New

2. Enter the data of the new user you want to add as completely as possible but make sure to check the option send this password to the new user email. After that you can choose the user level, from subscribers to administrators

3. and click the Add New User button.

After you create a user, click the User menu on the dashboard to see a list of users who are on your blog and have been registered. In this menu, you can also change what you need, such as editing, changing levels, or deleting users.

Also Read: Some Plugins that are Important for WordPress
To add users or users manually on a self-hosted WordPress blog is indeed a little different from a free WordPress.com blog.

Blogs WordPress.com use an invite system. So, all users must first have a WordPress account to be able to join.

You must be familiar with the CMS (Content Management System) system on WordPress? Let’s discuss together each access right to make it easier to manage users.

Each user’s access rights have different restrictions and roles. To create access rights, the user must first log in to WordPress, then how to add access rights to the user.

If you already know every role in WordPress, then there is no need to worry anymore, because every user has types and limitations on the features that can be accessed.


Recognizing Any User Access Rights or Roles in WordPress

1. Administrator, This administrator role is a role that has full access rights and can manage and add features to WordPress.

Permissions that can be performed by an Administrator such as:

  • Full access in creating, editing, deleting, adding content
  • Can add new users, add plugins
  • Can change the theme
  • Full control over comments from blog posts

2. Editor, as the name implies, the editor only has access to the editing section of the blog post created by another user.

The advantages of the Editor role are:

  • Edit, add, and delete blog posts
  • Full control of incoming comments

3. Author, this role only has access rights to create, edit, and publish posts created. This role can also be called a writer.

4. Contributor, only have access as someone who wants to contribute to a blog. This role cannot publish posts created.

5. Subscribers, only valid if we enable “Users must be registered and logged in to comment”. This role only has access to change the profile photo.


After discussing how to add a new user, now we discuss how to delete a user in WordPress.

First, Login to the WordPress dashboard first, Select user→ All User, Select Delete to delete the user. Make sure the user you deleted is correct.

After you click delete, there will be confirmation whether the post will be completely deleted or moved to another user.

In the last part, let’s conclude, by knowing the basics of using WordPress, you will have an easier time controlling and managing the website that is being created.

You will also find it easier to add new users or grant access rights to users or delete users on WordPress. Others, you can also use various role functions or user access rights that you already know about.