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Sumber: https://www.amesbostonhotel.com/pengertian-jaringan-wan/

WAN Network Device

In order for a WAN network to work properly, supporting devices are needed to be able to flow existing data or information.
The WAN network devices consist of:
1. Router
This router serves to connect two or more networks to transmit information between networks. It can be said that in this WAN network, router devices play a very important role in increasing the bridge’s ability, especially in expanding the required network.

2. Modem
Modem is a supporting device for converting digital signals to analog. So the digital data sent will be converted into an analog signal to be recognized by the transmission technology system, then it will be converted back into digital format and forwarded to the recipient.

Channel Service Unit / Data Service Unit here has a function that is almost similar to a modem to transmit data in digital format over a digital telephone network.

4. ATM Switch
The ATM Switch device serves as a high-speed data transfer service provider between LAN and WAN. Therefore, in making a WAN network ATM Switch is very necessary.

5. Communication Server
This is a server device to dial from a remote location specifically for users so that they can connect to a LAN network.

6. Multiplexer
The multiplexer device is capable of transmitting a combination of several signals and transferring data continuously through a circuit.

7. Frame Relay
This device is capable of connecting private data or local data over the network using digital signals. Frame Relay is almost the same as ATM Switch, it’s just that the transfer speed is not as good as ATM Switch.

WAN Type
There are actually several types of WAN networks that are commonly used, while each type has different functions and needs. For more details, see the following types of WANs:
1. Leased Line
This is a type of Wide Area Network with a dedicated point to point connection model, meaning that this connection does not require a call setup process to send data. The mechanism for sending data packets is Synchronous serial.
Synchronous serial is a communication where the sender or receiver is only one party that can generate a clock and send it along with data.

2. Circuit Switching
In this type of network will do call setup first to establish a connection in order to start sending data.
ISDN and PTSN are two protocols on WAN networks that use circuit switching connection types for public networks.

3. Switching Packages
This type of packet switching connection has the advantage of being able to manage and share bandwidth to other users with the aim that the connection can be more stable and in accordance with the number of network users.
This packet switching is actually the development of a Lased Line connection with a Synchronous Serial connection mechanism.

Advantages of WAN Network
WAN or Wide Area Network is one of the systems included in computer networks. WAN has many advantages compared to other computer networks. The advantages possessed by this computer network include:

1. The area that can be reached

One of the advantages possessed by this computer network is the area that can be reached by using this computer network. The area that can be reached with this network can be very wide and can be customized.
Besides being able to create a wider computer network, WAN can also be used to create a more complicated computer network. For example, the world’s internet network is usually created using this WAN network.

2. Faster communication

Data communication carried out in a large area such as data communication area from one country to another will usually require a complex network. This network if not managed properly will cause data communication to be slower.
By using a WAN network system, this data communication becomes easier to do. Data communication becomes faster and more efficient. So if you are going to be a multi-country company, then you can use a more capable internal network.

3. Centralized infrastructure

One of the advantages of other WAN networks is the use of infrastructure. In making a network for wide and large needs, your company will be more facilitated with its server management.
That way your company doesn’t need to set up its own server and saves on the costs used to communicate between the central company and branch companies.

4. Improve data exchange security

One of the advantages of using a WAN network is how easy it is to create security for your data. By using this WAN data network, it will be easier for you to exchange sensitive data.
This is because the exchange of data using a WAN will usually be encrypted first so that it is safer and avoids hackers for the data you send.
In addition to these advantages, there are many more advantages of using this WAN network, for example, such as greater bandwidth, minimizing the need for ISDN and many others.

Disadvantages of WAN Network

As for the drawbacks, WAN networks have some drawbacks. There are 3 critical problems that are usually felt by WAN network users. What are these drawbacks? Here is the review.
1. The cost of setting is quite high

One of the drawbacks of WAN networks is the high cost of setting up. WAN is a complex network, this is what makes this network requires a fairly high cost in terms of setting it up.

2. Maintenance problems

Another drawback of using this WAN network is the problem of maintenance. Maintenance of this WAN network can be called quite challenging. This is because the WAN network is a network that must be used 24/7.
Because it must be used continuously, the maintenance problem is indeed a very important thing to pay attention to. If there is a down server, the network will experience paralysis and will cause losses.