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Sumber : https://mjurnal.com/web-wordpress/pengertian-cara-menambahkan-widget-wordpress/

Widgets are certain elements that aim to get user interaction such as visiting the latest articles, seeing the latest products, to the form to subscribe to newsletters.

Generally, widgets can be placed in the sidebar, footer or header. For example, here’s an example widget for the right sidebar for the M Journal website:

Apa itu Widget di WordPress ?

Look, on the right side of the page there are several elements such as:

  1. Ads (you can find as long as I don’t change the position of this ad).
  2. Recent Content.
  3. Image with Link to Forum M Journal.
  4. and so on…

Please keep scrolling down, and you will see a wide variety of widgets that I use. Well, each element of this element is called a widget.

Note: The placement of widgets will depend on the theme you are using.

There is a theme that provides 2 sidebars (left and right). You can place widgets for all 2 of these sidebars. Some themes also provide widget placement in the Header and Footer sections.

There are even those who provide special widgets for internal website search results pages, to special widgets for product pages (usually available for E-Commerce websites).