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Sumber : https://mjurnal.com/web-wordpress/pengertian-cara-menambahkan-widget-wordpress/

Basically, there are 17 types of default widgets from WordPress that have the following functions:

  • Archive: Displays posts per month / total articles in each month.
  • Audio: To add a specific audio player.
  • Search : An internal Website Search Form.
  • Gallery: Displays multiple images in the form of a gallery.
  • Image: Displays a specific image.
  • Custom HTML: To add custom HTML code (it is mandatory to understand the use of basic HTML).
  • Calendar : Displays a calendar as information on the date of your article post.
  • Category : Displays a list / dropdown of the category of your post.
  • Recent Comments : Displays a list of recent comments.
  • Page : Displays a list of Pages.
  • Navigation Menu : Displays a custom navigation menu.
  • Meta : To display Incoming login links, RSS, & WordPress.org.
  • Posts : Displays a list of recent posts/articles.
  • RSS : to display RSS entries or Atom feeds.
  • Tag Cloud : To display a list of post tags.
  • Text : Allows you to create custom content using a text editor (it can be HTML code).
  • Video : To display the video (can be from a 3rd party such as Youtube).

However, if the widget you need is not available, then you can use additional plugins. There are many plugins available.


Maximize the use of WordPress widgets using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Of course, this can help you add more varied widgets with HTML, make the design cooler with CSS, and use certain functions with Javascript (e.g. sticky widgets)

Meanwhile, if you’re new to WordPress, first ignore these options (plugins, HTML, CSS, and Javascript).