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Sumber : https://mjurnal.com/web-wordpress/pengertian-cara-menambahkan-widget-wordpress/

To add a widget in WordPress, please follow these steps:

1. Login Dashboard Admin WordPress

Login Dashboard Admin WordPress

How to login the WordPress Admin dashboard generally uses the URL https://namadomain.com/wp-admin/.

2. Open the Widgets Menu.
Please hover over the View or Apperance menu, then click Widgets.

Cara menambahkan widget di Website WordPress

3. Select Widgets.
There will be 2 different sides. The left side (blue circle) is the types of widgets available. While the right side (red circle) is the placement of widgets available for your website theme.

Pilih Widget

Please select the widget you want to display. For example, for the “Search” widget. Click the down arrow icon next to the widget.
4. Specify Widget Placement.
In this section, you can choose the placement of the widget. For example I select Main Sidebar. Then click Add Widget.

Tentukan Penempatan Widget

5.Create a Widget Title (Optional).
Each widget can have a title. If you want to add a title, then add it to the “Title” Column.

Buat Judul Widget

If you’ve already made changes, click Save for Confirmation.
To see what your widget will look like, please go to the page that displays the widget.