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The advantages of the internet As a system that can connect between devices around the world, the advantages of the internet that can be utilized are:

 1. Easy and fast access to information The first advantage of the internet is the ability to access information easily and quickly. Everyone can access information about everything from all regions of the world with the internet. Before the internet came, accessing information was done by going directly to the information center. Now, accessing information can be done in seconds.

2. Expanding social networks Expanding social networks into the next advantages of the internet. The internet not only connects between devices, but also the people who use those devices. You can expand your social network or friendship to cross national borders through social media on the internet.

3. Facilitate financial transactions Then, the third advantage of the internet is to facilitate financial transactions. With the presence of the internet, financial transactions to sell or buy goods can now be done only through the cellphone screen. You can access e-commerce services that are widely available on the internet to buy or sell goods throughout the region in a more efficient way.

4. Facilitate educational activities The next advantage of the internet is to facilitate educational activities. With the internet, a student can gain knowledge not only from the teacher. Many books or reading materials are available on the internet.

5. Entertainment media In addition to facilitating education, the advantage of the internet is that it can function as a medium of entertainment. You can watch videos, listen to music, or play games through various platforms on the internet. Also read: How Worse is the Internet Apocalypse Triggered by Extreme Solar Storms? Disadvantages of internet The internet is not without loopholes. Behind the advantages, there are also disadvantages of the internet that can even threaten the security of its users The disadvantages of the internet are as follows: The internet is not without loopholes. Behind the advantages, there are also disadvantages of the internet that can even threaten the security of its users.

The disadvantages of the internet are as follows:

1. Cyber ​​crime or cyber crime Lack of internet that may be widely publicized is about cyber crime or cyber crime, which includes actions such as fraud, theft, piracy, and so on. Many people use the internet for personal gain. For example, the person spreads malware or viruses on sites on the internet, the purpose of which is to attack and steal personal data stored on users’ devices. Then, the person will ask for a ransom so that the data is returned.

2. Spam The next lack of internet is Spam. Spam itself is often a term to refer to sending unwanted advertisements or messages that users receive. In addition to advertisements, Spam can appear as incoming messages in e-mails that are also unimportant. Spam is quite annoying, even in some cases Spam can cause device errors because it contains too much content. Also read: Here it is, List of Bad Habits of World Internet Users

3. Addiction to shopping Above, it was mentioned that the advantage of the internet is that it makes it easy for people to shop. However, it is also a drawback of the internet if it cannot be controlled. Shopping access that is very easy to do via the internet can make people addicted to shopping and wasteful. In certain cases, some people don’t even think about their financial situation. They will be compelled to buy goods in e-commerce because they are tempted by the information displayed on the goods or the promo offers provided.

4. Social alienation The next shortage of internet is social alienation or social alienation. Simply put, this concept describes where a person feels alienated from the group with which they are supposed to be “familiar” with. The group can be friends, family, or the wider community. When people spend too much time on the internet, they can be trapped in an ecosystem or virtual world environment that they often interact with. This is also driven by social media algorithms that feed internet users with similar content.

This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title "Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet to Use It Wisely", Click to read: https://tekno.kompas.com/read/2022/01/12/14460037/kelahan-dan-kekurangan -internet-to-be-more-wise-use it?page=all.
Author : Zulfikar Hardiansyah
Editor : Wahyunanda Kusuma Pertiwi