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sumber : Apa Itu WordPress? Pengertian WordPress dan Sejarahnya (hostinger.co.id)

Apart from being a CMS, this platform can also be used as a tool to create various types of websites. Here are some examples of websites that can be created on this most popular CMS.


Since it was first released until now, WP is still a blogging platform that continues to be used. To create a blog, you can start by subscribing to the cheapest hosting plan first. After that, if traffic increases, upgrade the hosting to a more premium plan that offers a lot of features and functions.

Portfolio Website

The platform is widely used by artists, photographers, musicians, writers, and other art workers to create portfolio websites that showcase their work. There are many portfolio themes it provides as well as on third-party sites. Each theme has a variety of features, such as image galleries, lightboxes, and portfolio grids.

Business Website

If you have a small and medium-sized business, this platform can be the best choice for you to create a business website. However, over time, nowadays there are also more and more large-scale businesses using it as a platform for their websites.

Website for Charity Events

The maintenance costs of this platform are not so high. Its operation is also very easy, even for novice users. The advantages of WordPress are what make it often used as a platform for websites for charities and religious institutions.

With it, various non-profit organizations can have official websites with adequate functionality.

Online Store Website

To create an online store on this platform, you don’t need to understand programming languages first. With the most installed eCommerce plugin, woocommerce, you can create a feature-rich online store, such as shopping carts, item order management, checkout pages, refunds, and so on.