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Sumber: https://qwords.com/blog/metropolitan-area-network/

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a computer network of a city that has high-speed data transfer. The network usually connects various locations in one city, for example offices, campuses, government and so on. MAN network is a combination of LAN networks that can only connect one building.

Definition of MAN

MAN has a wider coverage than LAN. Where the coverage ranges from 10 KM to 50 KM. MAN is considered suitable for networks that connect between offices in one city or factory with one head office as the center. A MAN network only has one to two cables.

The function of the cable is to manage data packets from the output cable in it. But there is a main reason to separate MAN as a special category. The main reason is determined based on the standards that MAN owns. The standard is still being implemented on this network. There are many MAN images that make the application easier to do. The standard in question is named DQDB or 802.6 according to the IEEE. DQDB has two main, unidirectional cables that connect all the cables in it. To connect the MAN there are two connections that are often used. The two connections are wireless and fiber optic cable. Both are popular because they have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, for bank networks or online banking systems. Every bank certainly has a main office, branch offices and so on. Each office has a LAN. Well, the combination of these LANs that form a large network called the Metropolitan Area Network, MAN can also support voice and text data.

MAN function

The main function of a MAN is to connect computers and other devices so that they can communicate with one another. The MAN network can cover many areas so that it has a wider area of ​​connection coverage. It can be said that the coverage is a combination of several LAN networks. MAN has several characteristics that users must recognize. Here are the characteristics:

1.MAN covers a fairly large area between 5 to 50 KM. Even now MAN can also cover several urban areas.

2.MAN networks are generally not owned by one particular organization. MAN, including connecting equipment to the communication link is owned by a consortium of users or network service providers that are traded to users.

3.MAN often acts as a high-speed network for regional resources. It is often used to provide connections with other networks with links to WANs.

4.MAN has a larger connection coverage than LAN. However, the technology used is still similar to LAN.

5.MAN has only one or two cables and does not have a switching element to manage multiple output packets. Because it has a switching element, of course the design becomes simpler and easier to see.

Example MAN

The following is an example of the MAN network:

1.Bank network

The bank network is a simple example of the MAN that is all around us. Where there are several branch offices in the city that are connected to one another. An example is the Mandiri bank which is connected to the MAN network connection in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi areas.

2.Internet network between buildings on campus

The network of buildings within the campus is also an example of the implementation of the Metropolitan Area Network that we often encounter. An example is USUNETA which is the logo for the service product of the University of North Sumatra. An optical cable with a capacity of 1 Gbps connects the main building within the campus.


If you live in a big city like Jakarta, of course you already understand that there are several offices that have branches in that city. Well, the network is connected to a MAN. That is, one branch office can be connected to other branch offices in the city. The advantages of using MAN are many. For example, data exchange that can be done can be faster and more accurate. Not only that, MAN also encourages the development of knowledge and information within universities or schools. The data backup process is also easier to do. With the MAN network, the discussion process between universities is also easier to do. However, there are also some disadvantages of MAN networks. For example, operational costs are more expensive than LAN. Not only that, the cost for network maintenance also tends to be expensive. The Metropolitan Area Network is also often hacked for personal gain. If this network is damaged, the repair process also takes a long time because it is quite complicated to do. Despite its shortcomings, the MAN network is widely used because it is suitable for an office that has many branches in one area.