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1. Web Server

Web Server1. Web Server Web Server is a computer network that serves HTTP and HTTPS requests. The web page sent by the web server in the form of HTML and CSS documents will be processed by the browser which will be easily read by the user. The main function of a web server is to send or transfer files at the request of the user through a predetermined communication protocol. Users can access the form of images, text and videos through the browser. In addition to publishing websites, the benefits of web servers are also widely used in other devices such as routers, printers, and web cameras that serve http access on a local network. It is intended to facilitate review and management tools. The quality of the web server used will affect the performance of the website. There are several types of web servers that are used, but the best web server that is able to maximize website performance is LiteSpeed. LiteSpeed ​​itself has 3 times better performance compared to other web servers.

a. How Web Servers Work User/client sends request to web server The server will accept the request, then the server checks the request from the user / client is available or not If available, the web server will send the intended data to the browser. If the client request is not found or an error, the web server will send a notification / notification to the browser.

b. Types of Software for Web Servers include: Apache Web Server Apache Tomcat Xitami Web Server Zerus Web Se

2. Mail Server

2. Mail Servers. Mail Server serves users in exchanging messages to fellow users electronically. Mail servers are able to accommodate and forward email from the sender to the recipient of the email. There are two categories of mail servers, namely incoming mail servers and outgoing mail servers. Incoming mail servers are POP3 and IMAP. Post Office Protocol 3rd version/ POP3 is sending messages received by PC Local Hard Drive. While the Internet Message Access Protocol / IMAP copies of messages sent and received into the mail server.

Mail Server

Mail servers are mostly used by business people, because they can send more marketing emails at once to recipients. In addition, the mail server also has a special security system that can block incoming and outgoing email spam. In a different line, the function of the mail server is to exchange messages to fellow users in the form of images, text and videos through the browser.