Google Sites can be used by teaching staff to carry out various kinds of learning activities, namely:
1. Uploading Learning Materials
With Google Sites, teachers don’t have to share material via email or even using a flash drive. Learning materials will be easily shared via Google Sites.
2. Saving Syllabus
One of the benefits of Google Sites is that it is easier for teachers to save the learning syllabus on the site. That way, students can find out whenever they want to know what topics will be discussed in class at the next meeting.
3. Giving Assignments
Assignments or announcements for new assignments or projects can be made via Google Sites. Students are encouraged to regularly visit the lecturer’s website so as not to miss information about assignments.
4. Giving Announcement
Google Sites can be used as a medium to inform an announcement related to learning or activities in class.
5. Monitoring Student Work
Google Sites can make it easier for teachers to monitor and download assignments that have been done by students. Even the time of uploading student assignments is recorded on this site, so that teachers or lecturers can monitor which students are late in submitting assignments.
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