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Afternoon blogger, on this occasion I will share for free.. tis.. tis.. a simple online shop that I have created. Actually, I created this online store because of one of the requirements proposed by the company I applied for, I happened to apply as a web programmer at an online retail company located in the Cikarang area and as a result of the remaining 2 candidates, it turned out that I was rejected because of my work experience background as a warehouse. the staff is not from an IT background even though my educational background is IT, I accept it gracefully because I am sure that Allah SWT will provide a better way of sustenance than that. Eh, how come it’s curvy.. okay, back to the discussion of the online shop that I made using PHP native and Bootstrap so that it looks stable even though it’s accessed on various devices, now this online shop itself for the shopping cart I use session for more details, please see the screenshot. .

  • Customer Testimonials Page
  • Shopping Cart Page

  • Admin Login Page
Well, I think that’s how the simple online store looks like that I made, I haven’t fully created the admin page yet, so please develop it yourself, you know, because at that time I was given a 2 week work limit and I was busy with office work. For a demo of the online store, you can see it here http://tokol.niqoweb.com/ now for the source code you can download it here www.niqoweb.com, you can also download it directly on github directly, incidentally, I already have Tokol DistroIT upgrade to MySQLi to avoid many errors, please download the free DistroIT Online Store source code on my GitHub account below:
For those of you who are downloading on github for the first time, just click the download link on the right side of the Tokol DistroIT project on GitHub, for more details, see the following picture: