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PrestaShop Features

PrestaShop has a feature that is translated into 63 languages ​​including Indonesian. Building a business using e-commerce features for free can be an alternative for those of you who want to develop your business and business.

PrestaShop is a platform that has a lot of great features, apart from the front-end but also the back-office features. Well, Dewaweb will explain some of the advantages of this prestashop so that there are so many people and it is a favorite for people who use it as a solution in building their online store. There are two parts of the features that PrestaShop has, which are as follows.

  1. Front Office Features.       

In the front Office features, you can use the following features.

  • Display products (Bests, new items, ..) on the homepage.

  • Built-in product image zoom
  • User accounts and subscriber buyers

  • Unlimited payment methods
  • Ready to activate Google Checkout module

  • RSS feed
  1. Back Office Features

As for the Back Office feature, you can use the following to create the best online store with ease to manage it.

  • Full-featured WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) text editor

  • Unlimited categories and subcategories

  • Different currency settings and tax settings

  • Modul SMS
  • Customizable delivery status notifications

  • Friendly URLs and Permalinks

  • SSL Encryption

  • Smarty Templates Mesin

Some of the features described above are some of the features in Prestashop. For more details, you can see it for yourself in full when you have installed PrestaShop which is included in these two features. When viewed in general, there are several features offered by PrestaShop.

Here are some of them:

  1. Languages

You can translate prestashop into 63 languages ​​including Indonesian. So, for those of you who still don’t understand English, you can use this PrestaShop feature in a very easy way.

  1. Templatable

You can also easily change the design or appearance of the online store by installing the new template you want, or you can also change the template with the source code.

  1. Shopping Chart

The existence of this shopping chart feature will make it easier for customers to order and buy products from your online store.

  1. Store Builder

    You can create a catalog of products that will be sold without restrictions by using this store builder feature

  1. e-Marketing

    You can promote the goods you sell using PrestaShop because of the features that support the eMarketing system. That way, you can pamper customers to stay loyal to shop at your online store.

  1. Mobile

You can access your online store through any desired web browser platform. This is because PrestaShop supports responsive design.

  1. Sales Reports

    This feature can analyze and view statistics or developments from your store sales because PrestaShop is equipped with an analysis system. That way, you can view sales reports at any time.

  1. Addons

With the addons feature, you can add new features to your online store because PrestaShop is supported by a module-based system.

  1. SEO Optimised

For people who want to optimize online store rankings in search engines, you can use the features in PrestaShop. This PrestaShop is supported by using SEF URLs, meta keywords, meta data, and so on.