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Most Popular Website The website that most internet users visit is the Google search engine. According to Alexa data, June 22, 2021, the 10 major websites that most internet users open are as follows: 1.Google.com 2.Youtube.com 3.small.om 4.Qq.com 5.Baidu.com 6.Sohu.com 7.Facebook.com 8.Taobao.com 9.360.com 10.Jd.com 1.Next in line is Amazon.com, Yahoo.com, Weibo.com, Sina.com.cn, and Zoom.us. In Indonesia, the most opened websites after Google are news sites, Youtube, and e-Commerce for online shopping. Here are the top 10 websites in Indonesia according to Alexa’s version:

  1. Google.com
  2. Okezone.com
  3. Youtube.com
  4. Tribunnews.com
  5. Kompas.com
  6. Pikiran-rakyat.com
  7. Kumparan.com
  8. Detik.com
  9. Tokopedia.com
  10. Suara.com

Urutan berikutnya hingga posisi 15 adalah Grid.id, Liputan6.com, Sindonews.com, Merdeka.com, Bukalapak.com.

JWebsite Types We have already discussed the meaning of websites, for example, and the most popular websites in the world and in Indonesia. Now we review the types of websites that are quite a lot.

1. Search Engines (Seach Engine) The most popular website or the most visited by internet users is a search engine type website to find information, namely Google.com or Google.co.id for Indonesian locations. Apart from Google.com, other types of websites in the form of search engines include Bing.com and Yandex.com. Other websites are commonly found by users through search engines, as illustrated below: The way search engines work are crawling, indexing, and ranking. The results are presented on the search results page (SERP) In order for a website to be easily crawled, indexed, and on the page or even ranked at the top of the SERPs, a search engine optimization called SEO is needed.

2. Social Media Social media is the second most popular type of website after search engines. Social media is a type of website and application that allows users to create and share content or participate in social networks. Social media content or content is created by users or account owners. In this media, internet citizens (warganet) or internet citizens (netizens) share information, knowledge, thoughts, experiences, even “vent” or share feelings in the form of text (writing), images, audio, or video. Popular social media in Indonesia include Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

3. News site The next popular type of website is a news site. Also known as news portals (news portals), online media, and cyber media are mass media presented online on the internet containing a variety of actual information or reports on current events (news). News websites are nothing but online newspapers, online newspapers, online magazines, or media containing journalistic works – news, features, and opinion articles. Examples of news sites: detik.com, republica.co.id, liputan6.com, antarnews.com, tribunnews.com, cnnindonesia.com.

4. E-Commerce Site or Marketplace Another type of website that is often visited is online buying and selling sites (e-commerce) or marketplaces.

The top 10 most popular marketplaces in Indonesia, according to a study, are as follows: 1.Tokopedia (1.2 billion) 2.Shopee (837 million) 3.Bukalapak (823 million) 4Lazada (445 million) 5.Blibli (353 million) 6.JD ID (105 million) 7.Orami (89 million) 8.Bhinneka (63 million) 9.Sociolla (51 million) 10.Zalora (45 million)
5. Institution Website Another type of website is the official website of institutions, both business (company) and non-business institutions. The company’s website can be in the form of a company profile, corporate website, or online store. Websites of non-business institutions, namely official websites of government or government agencies, websites of organizations (ormas/orpol/OKP), websites of foundations, and websites of campuses and schools. Examples of institutional websites: bandung.go.id, jabar.go.id, yastima.org, tax.go.id, acer.com, unilever.com. 6. Blog A blog is a personal website (personal website) or an individual owned which is generally created on blog platforms such as Blogger and WordPress. Examples of blogs are the websites you are currently visiting, romeltea.com, as well as romelteamedia.com, sampleblog.com, communicationspraktis.com, blogromeltea.blogspot.com, and many more. There are millions of blogs around the world. Many people create and manage blogs to share their thoughts, knowledge, experiences, and even run a business through their blogs. Usually run by individuals or small groups, a blog can cover any topic – whether it be travel tips, financial advice, or donut reviews. Blogs are often written in an informal or conversational style. 7. Wiki A wiki website is a website that allows visitors/users to co-write and edit existing articles. The most famous wiki website today is wikipedia. Although all visitors are free to write and edit articles on this website, there is a group of people whose job is to check whether the content posted is appropriate or not for the website.

8. Portfolio Just like a physical portfolio, this type of website is used to showcase and promote examples of past work. Primarily used by those in the creative industries, a portfolio website can be used like a CV, showcasing your skills to impress clients, customers or potential employers. Portfolio websites allow creative professionals a place to showcase their best work. It’s perfect for artists, writers, designers, filmmakers, furniture makers—you name it. 9. Fundraising Website Crowdfunding website – as the name suggests – is a website to raise funds or collect donations for a particular project or issue, especially social in nature. Currently there are various fundraising sites with various issues. In Indonesia, popular fundraising websites include Kitabisa.com, SharingHappiness.org, and Indorelawan.org. 10. Landing Pages A landing page is a type of web page for a marketing campaign that encourages visitors to take a specific action. The content on the landing page should be restricted and lead to the call-to-action (CTA) you want the user to do. Read more: Definition of Landing Page That’s the understanding of the website and its types. You want to make a website? You can use Niagaweb website creation services. Can also contact me! Greetings.*