Moodle is a web-based platform commonly used for e-learning purposes. In other words, Moodle was created specifically as an effective online learning management system. Moodle stands for itself, which is a Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. That is, this platform is devoted to creating a dynamic online learning environment. That is, if you want to use an e-learning platform to make teaching and learning activities more effective, Moodle can be the right choice. The history of Moodle development actually started in 1970. However, it was only officially released in 2002. Martin Dougiamas is the person behind one of the best e-learning platforms. This platform is open source and can be used for free. Thus, it can be a solution for teaching and learning that is cheap but still effective. Not surprisingly, many schools, colleges and educational institutions use Moodle. However, there are also many large companies in the world that use Moodle as a learning medium for their employees. One example is Shell.
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