Understanding HTML
HTML is the standard programming language used to create web pages, which can be accessed via the internet. Abbreviation for “Hypertext Markup Language” or “markup language”. Reported by Techterms, “Hypertext” refers to hyperlinks that may be contained in an HTML page. This markup language refers to the way tags are used, to define the layout of the page and the elements within the page. HTML is organized based on certain codes and symbols, which are included in a file or document. So that it can be displayed on the computer screen. And can be reached by internet users. Understanding each word contained, hypertext itself as a method used to move web pages to other pages. After clicking on the text or symbol that appears on the website page. Then the term markup, is defined as something that HTML tags do to the text in it. For example, if you type a text with a tag tag . Then the text will appear in bold or bold on the website page.
HTML Functions
Quoted from Computerhope, HTML is used to create electronic documents (called pages) that are displayed on the World Wide Web (www). Each page contains a series of connections to other pages called hyperlinks. Every web page you see on the Internet is written using one version of the HTML code or another. The HTML code ensures proper formatting of text and images for Internet browsers. Without HTML, the browser would not know how to display text as an element or load an image or other element. HTML also provides the basic structure of the page, over which Cascading Style Sheets are stretched to change their appearance.
1.The main function of HTML is to create a web page that can be read and understood more easily. All web pages on the internet, are made with HTML and there are no exceptions.
2.Marks text on a page. HTML is written on a document page with certain tags or symbols. These symbols and tags will make the text appear bold, italic, underlined and so on. For example, if you make text italic or italic, the HTML page must write the code , for bold text and – – for underlined text.
3.As the basis of the website. The website created certainly has several features. Created using java script to manage web behavior, implementation of PHP server programming language, and web design using CSS. All of these languages can be applied if the web has HTML as its base language.
4.Display tables, images, videos and more. Generally, on a website or blog page, we cannot directly put tables, pictures or videos. So it takes components that are placed on the web using the HTML language.
5.Mark elements and create online forms. HTML functions to mark parts of the website including headers, footers, main, navigation and so on. In addition, HTML is also used as a language in creating digital forms or online forms.
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