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Understanding servers and server types

Sumber:https://www.dicoding.com/blog/apa-itu-server/ A. DEFINITION OF SERVER A server or in Indonesian commonly called a server is a computer system that has special services in the form of data storage. The data stored through the server is in the form of information...

Pengertian jaringan CAN

Sumber :https://www.helmykediri.com/2022/03/pengertian-jaringan-komputer-pan-lan.html    1. Pengertian Jaringan CAN Jaringan komputer berikutnya yang tidak kalah penting yaitu jaringan CAN. Pengertian jaringan CAN ini sendiri adalah jaringan yang hanya tersedia...

Internet Network Characteristics

sumber:https://tekno.kompas.com/read/2022/01/12/14460037/kelebihan-dan-kekurangan-internet-agar-lebih-bijak-menggunakannya?page=all The advantages of the internet As a system that can connect between devices around the world, the advantages of the internet that can be...


SUMBER :https://katadata.co.id/intan/berita/61ee4467db13b/internet-adalah-jaringan-komputer-ini-pengertian-dan-sejarahnya The Internet is a computer network, it’s understanding and history The Internet is an electronic communication network that connects...