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Understanding Fiber Optic

sumber:https://www.pinhome.id/blog/pengertian-kabel-fiber-optik/ What is Fiber Optic Cable? Fiber optic cable is a cable commonly used in the world of computer networks, which has the benefit of connecting computer system components to the network. Currently, fiber...

HTML History

sumber:https://badoystudio.com/sejarah-html/ HTML History What is the History of HTML and the Development of HTML Versions? HTML has been a major web technology from the 1990s after Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist at the CERN Research Institute, created it in 1989. The...

Understanding HTML and HTML Functions

sumber:https://www.merdeka.com/trending/pengertian-html-lengkap-dengan-fungsi-dan-sejarah-kemunculannya-kln.html Understanding HTML HTML is the standard programming language used to create web pages, which can be accessed via the internet. Abbreviation for...

Definition of Router

sumber:https://fikriawanschool.blogspot.com/2016/08/pengertian-router-dan-konfigurasi-router.html Definition of Router Router is a network computer that is in charge or functioned to connect two or more networks and is responsible for carrying data through a set of...

The Best Kinds of Web Browsers

sumber:https://tisucoding.com/macam-macam-web-browser/ The Best Kinds of Web Browsers 1. Chrome termasmedia.com Among the many web browsers out there, Chrome is one of the most popular. Chrome is developed using the WebKit rendering engine, which is a layout engine...