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History of WordPress

Sumber : Apa Itu WordPress? Pengertian WordPress dan Sejarahnya (hostinger.co.id) WordPress’ history dates back to two developers, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, who developed a new blogging platform to replace b2/cafeblog software in 2003. After it was...

How to Install WordPress on XAMPP Localhost, Complete

Sumber : https://masagena.id/blog/cara-install-wordpress-di-xampp-localhost-lengkap/ Preparing to Install WordPress To create a blog or website using the WordPress CMS offline before you upload it to hosting so that it can be accessed by many people, then you must...

Internet Network Characteristics

sumber:https://tekno.kompas.com/read/2022/01/12/14460037/kelebihan-dan-kekurangan-internet-agar-lebih-bijak-menggunakannya?page=all The advantages of the internet As a system that can connect between devices around the world, the advantages of the internet that can be...

10 Types of Adobe and Their Functions

sumber: https://haloedukasi.com/jenis-adobe 1. Adobe Photoshop Adobe photoshop merupakan perangkat lunak editor yang menjadi salah satu produk adobe paling terkenal dan banyak digunakan oleh brainware terutama di bidang multimedia.  Adobe photoshop biasanya digunakan...

History Adobe Photoshop

sumber: https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Photoshop     Adobe Photoshop, or commonly called Photoshop, is an image editor software made by Adobe Systems which is devoted to photo/image editing and effect creation. This software is widely used by digital...

Understanding adobe photoshop

sumber: https://www.nesabamedia.com/pengertian-adobe-photoshop/ Adobe Photoshop or usually referred to as Photoshop is an image editor software made by Adobe Systems which is devoted to photo or image editing and creating effects. Photoshop is widely used by digital...