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Writing Articles in WordPress using Posts

Sumber : https://www.caramembuatwebsite.org/cara-menulis-artikel-di-wordpress-buat-pemula/   Posts is where a collection of articles will be displayed in chronological order based on the time and date the article was published, in order from the most recent to...

Writing Article Pages

Sumber : How to Write WordPress Articles for Beginners and Their Explanations (caramembuatwebsite.org) 1) Login Pages Entering the pages menu will appear a list of articles on the pages like an illustration of the wordpress pages introduction image. If it’s the...

How to Create a Menu in WordPress Easily

Sumber : How to Add Menus in WordPress Easily (niagahoster.co.id)   1. Create Your First Menu The first step of how to add a menu in WordPress is to login to the WordPress dashboard. Then, make sure you already have a page for the menu to be created. Then, follow...

Definition of network device

sumber :https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/pengertian-server/ 3. Database Server Database server is a computer network that provides services in the form of database management and accepts client requests to access data on the server. There are four types of database...

Pengertian Perangkat jaringan

sumber : https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/pengertian-server/ 1. Web Server 1. Web Server Web Server is a computer network that serves HTTP and HTTPS requests. The web page sent by the web server in the form of HTML and CSS documents will be processed by the browser...