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How to Create a Professional LinkedIn Profile‎

Sumber : 5 Langkah Merapikan Profil LinkedIn-mu – Glints Blog ‎Making your LinkedIn profile a professional isn’t difficult. You can follow some of the methods below as a guide.‎ ‎1. Use professional photos‎ ‎Even though the form of LinkedIn is like social...

Functions and How WiFi Works

Sumber: https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/penemu-wifi/ Functions Of WiFi As a technology that is loved by many people, WiFi definitely has several useful functions and can ease human work. The following are some of the WiFi functions that need to be understood: a....

Types of Computer Networks Thursday

Sumber: http://sistem-komputer-s1.stekom.ac.id/informasi/baca/Macam-Macam-Jaringan-Komputer/1ab84860a3e1ef5581038b77967eccfb999cbfbb Computers are now one of the electronic devices that cannot be separated in our daily lives, especially in the work environment. Most...

Adobe Photoshop advantages and disadvantages

sumber: https://dosenit.com/software/desain-software/kelebihan-dan-kekurangan-photoshop Advantages of adobe photoshop1. 1.There are many design tools that can be used Adobe Photoshop generally offers various types of editing tools that are suitable for the web or...