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History of WordPress

Sumber : Apa Itu WordPress? Pengertian WordPress dan Sejarahnya (hostinger.co.id) WordPress’ history dates back to two developers, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, who developed a new blogging platform to replace b2/cafeblog software in 2003. After it was...

How to Install WordPress on XAMPP Localhost, Complete

Sumber : https://masagena.id/blog/cara-install-wordpress-di-xampp-localhost-lengkap/ Preparing to Install WordPress To create a blog or website using the WordPress CMS offline before you upload it to hosting so that it can be accessed by many people, then you must...

Internet Network Characteristics

sumber:https://tekno.kompas.com/read/2022/01/12/14460037/kelebihan-dan-kekurangan-internet-agar-lebih-bijak-menggunakannya?page=all The advantages of the internet As a system that can connect between devices around the world, the advantages of the internet that can be...