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Website benefits

Sumber: https://www.akudigital.com/bisnis-tips/manfaat-website/ Websites have many benefits in our lives. You can access social media using the website. Online shopping also happens on the website. When you need important information, you can also access it via the...

Types of websites

sumber: https://www.mysch.id/blog/detail/61/jenis-jenis-website-dan-penjelasan-lengkapnya Types of websites based on their nature Based on its nature, the website can be divided into 2, namely: 1. Website Statis A static website is a website that has a fixed...

How to install a theme on wordpress

Sumber : https://jurnalwp.com/blog/cara-memasang-tema-wordpress/ A. Using the Themes Repository To install a theme using the themes repository, go into the admin area and then select: Look > Add a New Theme You’ll look into a page like this. Select the...

How to enter a user into the wordpress blog

Sumber : https://www.citrahost.com/blog/menambah-user-atau-pengguna-di-blog-wordpress/ Before creating a user, the condition is that you must be an administrator. Here we provide administrator creation guidance; 1. Login to your blog dashboard, then hover over Users...

Understanding widgets in wordpress

Sumber : https://mjurnal.com/web-wordpress/pengertian-cara-menambahkan-widget-wordpress/ Widgets are certain elements that aim to get user interaction such as visiting the latest articles, seeing the latest products, to the form to subscribe to newsletters. Generally,...

WordPress Default Widgets

Sumber : https://mjurnal.com/web-wordpress/pengertian-cara-menambahkan-widget-wordpress/ Basically, there are 17 types of default widgets from WordPress that have the following functions: Archive: Displays posts per month / total articles in each month. Audio: To add...