oleh aldi | Jul 29, 2022 | Tak Berkategori
Sumber : https://jurnalwp.com/blog/cara-memasang-tema-wordpress/ A. Using the Themes Repository To install a theme using the themes repository, go into the admin area and then select: Look > Add a New Theme You’ll look into a page like this. Select the...
oleh aldi | Jul 29, 2022 | Tak Berkategori
Sumber : https://www.citrahost.com/blog/menambah-user-atau-pengguna-di-blog-wordpress/ Before creating a user, the condition is that you must be an administrator. Here we provide administrator creation guidance; 1. Login to your blog dashboard, then hover over Users...
oleh aldi | Jul 29, 2022 | Tak Berkategori
Sumber : https://mjurnal.com/web-wordpress/pengertian-cara-menambahkan-widget-wordpress/ Widgets are certain elements that aim to get user interaction such as visiting the latest articles, seeing the latest products, to the form to subscribe to newsletters. Generally,...
oleh aldi | Jul 29, 2022 | Tak Berkategori
Sumber : https://mjurnal.com/web-wordpress/pengertian-cara-menambahkan-widget-wordpress/ Basically, there are 17 types of default widgets from WordPress that have the following functions: Archive: Displays posts per month / total articles in each month. Audio: To add...
oleh aldi | Jul 29, 2022 | Tak Berkategori
Sumber : https://mjurnal.com/web-wordpress/pengertian-cara-menambahkan-widget-wordpress/ To add a widget in WordPress, please follow these steps: 1. Login Dashboard Admin WordPress How to login the WordPress Admin dashboard generally uses the URL...
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